I am happy to report that I am now working on my MacBook Pro again (Applause). . .bright, shiny, new screen. . .it was actually harder than I thought to trudge through grading assignments using my old PC for the last two days. The title of today's blog post is from Lau Tzu, founder of Taoism. I think it is an appropriate quote to sum up the importance of integrating technology into your teaching lives and classrooms. Of course, we could speak about the philosophical implications of such a profound quote as well, but I'll save that for another day :^D
I am still furiously grading your work and hope to have the bulk of it completed by class time. One thing I have noticed as I graded the Diigo assignment was that a number of you did not have any bookmarks for PLN, which was part of the PLN assignment? I am soon to grade the PLN so perhaps they just aren't complete. . .if you think you are finished and didn't research some sites to bookmark with the PLN tag, you will need to go back and do that! A quick note to tell you all how awesome the collective Diigo and presentation assignments were! Thank you for all of your hard work. I sincerely hope that you will see these tools as a big part of your teaching future. Oh, also, for the Intro to TaskStream assignment, you were supposed to give me the link to your GoogleDoc for NETS I. . .about half of you haven't completed that yet.
Tonight you will be completing any incomplete work, then concentrating on writing your NETS narratives. I will help you to ensure that you get the proper description in TaskStream and the link to your narratives. You will be submitting the peer-reviewed checklists for both iMovie and the Emerging Technology assignment. Remember, it is important to be a supportive peer and give authentic feedback, don't just initial blindly. I do need the physical checklists to complete your grade. Don't forget to reflect on the Attendance and Participation assignment in Moodle (Cougar Courses). The course evaluation should be in your CSUSM email. I would greatly appreciate it if you would complete the evaluation. If you have everything completed, I will do my best to get you out as early as I can.
Anything else that comes up last minute we will discuss in class.
Question: What is the best thing you will take away from this class?
I'll end with another quote from Winston Churchill. I hope this speaks to your newfound tech savvy:
Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.