Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Class 6: Feel the Burn

'Calestenics' photo (c) 2005, Olaf Gradin - license:, now we are officially more than half-way through the summer 'semester.'  Everyone is probably experiencing his/her own level of stress or lack there of.  I hope that tonight we can make some real progress with the presentation assignment and their assessment, as well as come to a better understanding of the requirements for TaskStream.

Only one new assignment tonight (applause please), the CyberSafety Collaborative Site.  In groups of six or fewer, you will create a website/wiki that deals with six main topics of cybersafety.  I would love if we could get one group to create a Spanish version as it might serve as a resource for the many of our county's Spanish speaking families.

Tonight I would like you to take the first part of class and polish up your presentations.  I will ensure that everyone is capable of embedding the presentations on a blog page.  The assessment will also be embedded on the same blog page along with a link to the results (Click Here for assessment requirements).  You will also be presenting your ideas to your grade level peers.

I have not made it through all of the NETS I narratives, but will do my best to finish before the end of the evening.  . . .or by Monday for sure ;-)

Question:  What is your current favorite timesucker?  This is the thing/activity/game/website/whatever that prevents you from doing other things you know you should be doing (like, say, completing work for this class).
Currently for me, it is definitely Angry Birds on my iPad. . .I have become obsessed with getting three stars on every level of my holiday edition. . .

Monday, July 25, 2011

All About Me Survey (Sample)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Class 5: Half-Way to Your Goal . . .

My Daughter Lily
About the title of this post. . .I do have a bit of soccer on my mind as both of my daughters played in tournaments this weekend.  My youngest, Lily made it to the finals.  Unfortunately, the championship game is at 3:30 in La Jolla tomorrow.  Needless to say, I am going to do my best to see as much of the game as I can before heading to campus.  I doubt I will be my usual hour early to assist in the lab. . .that is, unless the traffic gods are on my side and I can get to campus without too much delay.

I can only assume that most of you are scrambling to complete the two assignments that are due this evening (Journals 1-5 & Excel Crossword).  Then there's the TaskStream narrative for NETS I, Diigo, and the presentation assignment.  Tonight I will try and give you plenty of time to work on some assignments in class so you can receive any help you might need.
We will log on to TaskStream,  where I'll show you how to navigate the site.  I will also discuss how to use GoogleDocs to give feedback to your NETS-I partner & how to create an assessment for your presentations using Google Forms.  I will go over the Emerging Technology Checklist and discuss further how to add your work to your blog.  In class, I would like to start to look at your NETS-T I narratives and give you some feedback.  The Journals 6-10 are released this week, but there are just an extension of the journal articles you have already begun to write, so there won't be any need for instruction.  Journals 6 & 7 are already posted on the blog (Seven is also the PLN assignment).  I am going to wait until the lastest L&L drops before listing 8, 9, & 10.  Phew, I am typing out of breath ;-)

Fun App of the Week:  Songify . . .you must check it out!

Question: Who has been your favorite (or "A" favorite for those overly stressed out by the perceived commitment required to answer the question) teacher at any level of education and why?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Class 4: Stop this Ride, I Want to Get Off!

'Holy Crap!' photo (c) 2008, Pete Toscano - license: on the many glazed over eyes and head spinning that I witnessed in class on Monday, I can infer that a large number of you are almost at your saturation point for new technology tools. . .Well, this ride continues tonight, with the introduction of a few new assignments. . .We will discuss the presentation assignment, which used to always be PowerPoint, but I would like everyone to try a free, web-based alternative.  CLICK HERE to see some awesome alternatives to PowerPoint.  We will also discuss how to use GoogleDocs to collaborate on your first NETS narrative for TaskStream.  Lastly, I will finish the discussion of the PLN assignment and how to participate in an educational chat.

If you read this before you come to campus, please bring a set of headphones so you can work on the Excel assignment.  I will be in class early as usual if you need any extra help, or just extra time to work on your assignments.  Don't forget that the newsletter assignment is due tonight and the school 2.0/self-assessment was due yesterday.  Journal articles 1-5 are due on Monday.  I recommend you take the slow and steady approach. . .do a journal a day and spend a bit of time on each assignment whenever you can fit it into your schedule.  And refer back to journal 1 when you are feeling frustrated ;-)

Question: How do you feel about single-gender schools (all-boy or all-girl)?  Experience or thoughts?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Class 3: Learning to Juggle!

candybar juggling!photo © 2007 Toni | more info (via: Wylio)
I would say we had a very successful first week.  I love to see the enthusiasm and the willingness to help your peers.  As a fairly small class, we should have no trouble completing/juggling all our assignments this semester (and when I say, "our", I mean your ;-)
Today we will explore how to use a tool like Atomic Learning to guide a student through the completion of a technology assignment.  You will be creating crossword puzzles with Microsoft Excel.  Social bookmarking is a concept you may or may not have heard of . . .yet.  By the end of the evening you will learn how to use Diigo!  I use Diigo to store many of the resources that I find in Twitter.  Speaking of microblogging (Twitter), if time permits, I will follow up on your introduction to Twitter with a conversation about how to begin to use tools like Twitter and Diigo to begin your personal learning network (PLN).
Ensure that you have subscribed to TaskStream, as I would like to begin to use it on Wednesday evening.  With your new ISTE account, you should also have no trouble finding the journal articles for your first journal assignments.

Question:   What is something you have learned well without formal teaching?  How did you learn it?  This could be a sport, hobby, musical instrument, etc. .

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Class 2: Getting into a Groove!

My daughter Zoe (taken with the Paper Camera app)
If you weren't scared off by the first day of class, I expect you will survive the summer ;-)  I was very pleased with the first day and all that we were able to accomplish.  As I mentioned in class, I am a big fan of collaborative learning and knowledge sharing.  I hope that as a group you can help each other out with any questions or difficulties that you encounter.  Of course I will be here as well, but I want to be less of an expert and more of a guide.  Don't forget that I will be in class early if anyone needs assistance!
Tonight we will begin the journal articles 1-5 assignment, the scanning assignment, the technology self-assessment and the classroom newsletter.  I will go over how to use Twitter as an educational tool.  I will also answer any questions you have from last class and give some tips on how to add gadgets to your blog.

Class 2 Checklist

iPhone app of the day:  Paper Camera

Click HERE to give me your ISTE/TaskStream Information

Question: What piece of technology could you not live without?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Class 1: Welcome to ED422!!

Just some of the exciting things we will learn!
Welcome to the rest of your summer filled with EDUC 422. . .Technology Tools for Education. As a summer school class, this will be a fast-paced whirlwind of information and introduction to new technology tools that can not only be incorporated into your classroom, but into your life! It will be challenging and amazingly fun at the same time. . .

I will use this blog to keep everyone updated on the requirements for the course, as well as model for you how to create a blog for your future classroom!  I need you to read each entry carefully, as I will be giving away $50 a week to the person who finds the hidden gnome on the post. . .okay, not really, but I need everyone to read each entry ;-)

Technical Issues:  
First order of business:  If you do not have a Gmail Address/Account, you need to get one!  (and no, your CSUSM email does not count).  Don't worry, I have worked it out with Google to give you free email accounts!
You will be asked to join and/or participate in a number of web-based tools, software, etc. . .I recommend that you find a single user name that identifies you, is appropriate for school/parents, and that you can remember. . .also one that you can be relatively certain won't be taken when you attempt to use it for a new tool/site. 
While this course has no required text, you will be required to subscribe to ISTE, the International Society for Technology in Education (see link on this blog), as well as purchase a subscription to TaskStream, an online portfolio generator.  
For TaskStream (also linked on this blog): You will need to self-enroll in the Local TPE.      
                                         Here is the code you will need:
                                               Local TPE: 6SG3BA

I will also ask you questions on this blog that you will need to answer. Some are related to education and most are related you your lives. . .It allows me to build community while ensuring that you are reading the weekly posts!

Class 1 ToDo List 

Click HERE to give me your gmail and blog address! 
Question:  What should every teacher know about you?