Below you will find the journal articles
assigned for ED422. Unless noted, the assigned article is required and
must be formatted properly (see Cougar Courses for detailed
instructions). The journal article assignment is broken up into two
separate assignments for grading. There will be a journal article 1-5
as well as a journal article 6-10 in Cougar Courses. Journals 5 &
10 are extra credit.
Journal 1: List
100 things that make you happy. As with every journal, the title of
the post is the word 'Journal' followed by the number of the assigned
journal. In this case: Journal 1. The content of the post will be a
numerical list of 100 things that make you happy. Ensure that you
number the list. While this may seem a bit silly, I think you might
want to refer to the list later in the class when you are feeling
overwhelmed with the work ;-)
Journal 2: "Join the Flock," by Hadley Ferguson from Learning and Leading with Technology, June/July 2010.
Journal 3: "Abracadabra–It's Augmented Reality!" by Raphael Raphael from Learning and Leading with Technology, June/July 2011.
Journal 4: "One Size Never Fits All," by Jennifer Courduff from Learning and Leading with Technology, June/July 2011.
Journal 5: (Extra Credit) "Harness the Power of Technology," by Arne Duncan from Learning and Leading with Technology, June/July 2011.
Journal 6: "Student Voices for Change," by Shannon McClintock Miller from Learning and Leading with Technology, June/July 2011.
Journal 7: My PLN - this journal entry will be your PLN assignment. See instructions on the pages tab.
Journal 8: "Find the Truth About the Pacific Tree Octopus," by Keith Ferrell from Learning and Leading with Technology, August 2011.
Journal 9: Adaptive Technology
Journal 10: pick an article from the August 2011 issue of L&L
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