Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Class 10: "If You Do Not Change Direction, You Might End Up Where You Are Heading"

'Yin Yang Sky Earth - Illustration' photo (c) 2011, DonkeyHotey - license: class!  Doesn't it seem like only yesterday you were trying to figure out your phone so you could answer the Poll Everywhere question from the first day of class?  In case your forgot, Jersey Shore is the "Official Trashy TV Show of the Summer 11 Ed422 class"
I am happy to report that I am now working on my MacBook Pro again (Applause). . .bright, shiny, new screen. . .it was actually harder than I thought to trudge through grading assignments using my old PC for the last two days.  The title of today's blog post is from Lau Tzu, founder of Taoism.  I think it is an appropriate quote to sum up the importance of integrating technology into your teaching lives and classrooms.  Of course, we could speak about the philosophical implications of such a profound quote as well, but I'll save that for another day :^D

I am still furiously grading your work and hope to have the bulk of it completed by class time.  One thing I have noticed as I graded the Diigo assignment was that a number of you did not have any bookmarks for PLN, which was part of the PLN assignment?  I am soon to grade the PLN so perhaps they just aren't complete. . .if you think you are finished and didn't research some sites to bookmark with the PLN tag, you will need to go back and do that!  A quick note to tell you all how awesome the collective Diigo and presentation assignments were!  Thank you for all of your hard work.  I sincerely hope that you will see these tools as a big part of your teaching future.  Oh, also, for the Intro to TaskStream assignment, you were supposed to give me the link to your GoogleDoc for NETS I. . .about half of you haven't completed that yet.

Tonight you will be completing any incomplete work, then concentrating on writing your NETS narratives.  I will help you to ensure that you get the proper description in TaskStream and the link to your narratives. You will be submitting the peer-reviewed checklists for both iMovie and the Emerging Technology assignment.  Remember, it is important to be a supportive peer and give authentic feedback, don't just initial blindly.  I do need the physical checklists to complete your grade.  Don't forget to reflect on the Attendance and Participation assignment in Moodle (Cougar Courses).  The course evaluation should be in your CSUSM email.  I would greatly appreciate it if you would complete the evaluation.  If you have everything completed, I will do my best to get you out as early as I can.

Anything else that comes up last minute we will discuss in class.

Question:  What is the best thing you will take away from this class?

I'll end with another quote from Winston Churchill.  I hope this speaks to your newfound tech savvy:
Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.


  1. I can almost call myself computer literate/Savvy. I wouldn't go so far as "Techy!'' But I have made huge leaps in that direction. Thank You!!!

  2. I know some things that I will absolutely continue once this course is over are Prezi and Google Docs and Twitter edchats. I'd like to think that I now can properly use a blog, but I will wait for something to inspire me before I start one on my own.

  3. I feel like I'm much more competent in the world of technology! Thanks!

  4. Feeling more confident in my tech abilities overall is a great achievement. Specifically, I know I will use Prezi, Diigo and Google Docs in my future endeavors. And I'm keeping my newsletter and crossword puzzle to use when I have my own classroom! Thank you for so many great tricks and tools!

  5. Despite dragging my feet kicking and screaming about twitter, I actually enjoyed participating in the live chat. Also I think Prezi is fantastic compared to Power Point and will probably be the only program I will use from now on to make presentations. Thanks for all the help and friendly banter during all the classes. I really did enjoy it, even though I had to drive all the way out here

  6. The best thing I took away from this class is the fact that I SURVIVED, I STUCK WITH IT, AND I FINISHED

  7. EVERYTHING!!! I learned so much in this class that I look forward to incorporating throughout my credential program and in my own classroom

  8. I really liked Diigo, i'm now bookmarking everything

  9. While it seems kind of obvious, I think what I will take a way from this class is ways in which I can incorporate technology in the classroom in an effective way. I guess that means I learned pretty much what I was supposed to in this class, so thats good!

  10. I am no longer scared away by technology and actually look forward to trying new tools and using the ones that I learned about in this class. The ones I think will be the most useful are Diigo (I'm always bookmarking things), Prezi, and blogging. I really enjoyed everything we used and am excited to learn more.

  11. The most important fact that I took away from this class is that I can use technology!

  12. I realized that paper and ink were outdated tools... until you made us fill out the checklists!!! But I am all fired up about integrating technology in my teaching and look forward to that. The class has also helped me realize tricks that I should have known and didn't.

  13. I have enjoyed many aspects about this class and I am thankful that I have a much better understanding of technology. I think the one thing that surprised me the most was how useful twitter can be for me as a future educator.

  14. The best thing I will take away from this class is the technology skills I have gained and knowledge of all the resources and tools available. It has been quite a journey in a short amount of time. I will also take away some new friends which is another best thing. Thank you for everything. I know I will use everything I learned in my future which will help me to be more successful in my life and career.

  15. There are so many great FREE cloud programs that people can access anywhere as long as they have internet and create an account! I used video tutorials to teach myself how to to use prezi and make the crossword, which was a new way for me to learn.

  16. I liked Prezi and Google Docs, I will definitely use these in the near future :]

  17. I enjoyed, PREZI, iMovie, and Google Docs the most in this class and I can't wait to use them in my future classroom.

  18. Google Docs & Sites! I love being able to create any word doc and share it collaboratively. This will come in very handy in the credential program and my future classroom. I also love knowing how to make a website and a classroom newsletter. I guess I can't pick just one! Loved learning so many new and exciting technology tools for educators. :)

  19. The best and worst thing(s) I will take away from class are the millions of sites I signed up for in a blur of new technology. It's great to come out with a functional blog/portfolio when I enter the unemployed teacher pool.

  20. I really thought google docs was a great thing to learn about. I can see how this can be very helpful in the future. I also enjoyed imovie, it's fun to be creative. There are so many helpful technology tools and I hope I can remember them all. I have gained so much information through this class, which I'm sure will be useful while I'm in the credential program and when i'm a teacher.
