Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Class 2: Getting into a Groove!

My daughter Zoe (taken with the Paper Camera app)
If you weren't scared off by the first day of class, I expect you will survive the summer ;-)  I was very pleased with the first day and all that we were able to accomplish.  As I mentioned in class, I am a big fan of collaborative learning and knowledge sharing.  I hope that as a group you can help each other out with any questions or difficulties that you encounter.  Of course I will be here as well, but I want to be less of an expert and more of a guide.  Don't forget that I will be in class early if anyone needs assistance!
Tonight we will begin the journal articles 1-5 assignment, the scanning assignment, the technology self-assessment and the classroom newsletter.  I will go over how to use Twitter as an educational tool.  I will also answer any questions you have from last class and give some tips on how to add gadgets to your blog.

Class 2 Checklist

iPhone app of the day:  Paper Camera

Click HERE to give me your ISTE/TaskStream Information

Question: What piece of technology could you not live without?


  1. Cell phones! If I forget to grab my phone when I leave the house I drive all the way back home to get it ... or I else I go into severe panic mode.

  2. I have to agree with Cindy but for me its more of a love/hate relationship. I hate carrying a phone but at the same time, its my portable computer. If I am out somewhere and bored, I can always whip out the smart phone and check out news, or social media.

  3. I don't think I could live without my computer! It works as a form of communication and it also gives me the tools I need to get my work done.

  4. My Mac laptop. When Im in school I don't leave home without it. I like my phone but sometimes its nice to be disconnected from the web/email/phone. With my computer I can shut it down when I need a break....and boot it right back up when its time to start my homework! :)

  5. I would have to say my laptop. Just like Michelle, during the school year it comes home with me every night.

  6. Well, honestly I COULD live without all of them, and probably would be a lot less stressed about trying to keep up with everything and everyone : ) My cell phone and Mac are great conveniences though and do help make communication easier and provide quick access to information. If I had to pick it would be my Mac!

  7. I agree with Amy....Definitely I could live without many things just as I did live without them when I was younger or before I bought them. I somewhat disagree with Amy that I would be less stressed because for the majority technology/these things diminish some stress since they are a convenience to my life and help me take care of things. My cell phone would have to be my pick, however I would not drive back home for it as Cindy would but I do feel like something is missing the whole day. For example, like I forgot to put my shoes on/complete my outfit for that day.

  8. My laptop/an internet connection! I do everything on it: Type up papers, write e-mails to family out of state, share pictures, and keep in contact with all of my friends from my previous university in North Dakota. I'd feel pretty out of touch if I didn't have my laptop around all the time.

  9. I definitely could not live with out my iphone/smart phone. I don't know how i made it through life w/o constant access to the internet and its resources.

  10. It is possible to live with out technology, since there was a day when people did. Although I do not know how people live without the Internet. It is such an amazing tool to learn new things, communicate with people all around the world, and so much more. I use the Internet on a daily basis, so I do not know what I would do without it.

  11. I could not live without the internet. I visit in the morning, afternoon, and the evening. Oh internet how you consume and enrich my life. Sadly I think I have no sense of direction because of the internet, I have to check Google maps anytime I go somewhere.

  12. I'd say it's a tie between my cell phone (smartphone) and laptop. I use google maps all the time, and email and facebook are accessed many, many times throughout the day. I can't live without my computer because I'm in school, of course. But if I weren't in school, I could probably live without my computer, and I would just be even more attached to my phone.

  13. That would be the IPOD, though I currently do not own one. I've had a total of three ipods in the past. The first two got stolen(one in LA, the other one in Mexico) and the last one stopped working. Once I am able to buy one, I will definitely do so. I enjoy listening to music and can't live without it.

  14. My iphone for sure! I used to get lost alot! Not to mention the camera is always with me. Check for movie times reservations! I love it.

  15. My cell phone...I feel like I can't do anything without it. If I get lost and don't have my phone I'm in trouble because I always use the navigator on it. Also, I don't memorize phone numbers and I think that I should just in case I lose it or forget it at home.

  16. The internet! I do not miss phone books or Thomas Guides; websites are so much more convenient. I enjoy how the internet condenses information. I also like being able to get e-mail in a matter of seconds and talk on gchat, aol instant messenger is so '90s...

  17. I'm also going to have to say my cell phone. Computers are really nice when in school and need to research things, but I'd still prefer a cell phone. It is a good way to keep in contact with people and great to have when there are emergencies.

  18. I can not live without my car. That is a piece of technology that I think everyone forgets about. This is because it is such an old piece of technology and has not been improved on for a while. I have to drive all the way from Point Loma. Which is about 45 min away from San Marcos. So I really do need my car with fantastic air conditioning.

    Where is my flying car!!!

  19. I have a love hate relationship with technology. In one respect it provides us with faster communication, awareness about world events (local events) and entertainment but in the other respect I feel as though it makes us less reliant on ourselves and our own ingenuity. I love technology don't get me wrong but is it really healthy thing for us to stress if we do not have our communication devices at our fingertips? I'm not really sure but my technology that I cannot live with out is my running Garmin.

  20. My laptop- That way I can watch tv, movies, surf the web, read, and communicate with people.
